viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010

Interviews - El Vidriero - The Glazier

Debido a la crisis económica, Luis perdió su negocio y hogar.

Se fue a vivir bajo un puente ferroviario para poder seguir con su profesión y ganarse la vida dignamente, sin mendigar en las calles.


Due to the economic crisis, Louis lost his business and home.

He went to live under a railway bridge so they could continue their profession and to earn a decent living without begging in the streets.

Reportajes - Interviews - Inundaciones - Floods

Debido a los cambios climáticos de los últimos tiempos, los campos y animales de Argentina sufren las consecuencias.
Estos factores están provocando perdidas naturales y económicas muy importantes.
Las imágenes fueron realizadas en la provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina.


Due to climatic changes of recent times, fields and animals of Argentina suffer the consequences.
These factors are leading to natural and economic losses very important.
The images were made in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina.

Reportajes - Interviews - Inundaciones - Floods

Reportajes - Interviews - Cartoneros

When the "cartoneros" wake up in the morning in their miserable dwellings in the suburbs, just wait the "white train" time to start a long day of collecting trash.

Reportajes - Interviews - Cartoneros

More than alf the child´s population Lives Beneath the Poverty line and most of this child´s work in the street´s.

The "cartoneros" collect everything that can be sold at streets: paper, cans, glass and plastic bottles, etc.
The white train takes them back to their miserable dwellings in the suburbs after a long and tiring day of collecting trash.

The Argentinean government distributes some 150 pesos (U$S 40.-) to the heads of each family every month. But this is of course never enough: one must beg, steal, and find food and other valuables in the garbage.

Every nights, the "cartoneros" (cardboard and paper collectors) cross the city searching papers and cardboards.
The rain make the load to much heavy.

Every nights, the "cartoneros" (cardboard and paper collectors) cross the city searching papers and cardboards.
The rain make the load to much heavy.

Reportajes - Interviews - Cartoneros

New Poors,The "cartoneros" collect everything that can be sold at Buenos Aires streets: paper, cans, glass and plastic bottles, etc.
The recycling centers pay 24 pesos/ 100 Kg. ( U$S 6,8 / 100 Kg.)
They use this cents to buy milk and bread.

The new Poors, "los cartoneros" collect everything that can be sold at Buenos Aires streets: paper, cans, glass and plastic bottles, etc.
In the recycling centers work "ex-cartoneros"

The new Poors, "los cartoneros" collect everything that can be sold at Buenos Aires streets: paper, cans, glass and plastic bottles, etc.
The recycling centers buy thousands of newspapers and other cardboards every day and them sale making a diference.

New Poors,The "cartoneros" collect everything that can be sold at Buenos Aires streets: paper, cans, glass and plastic bottles, etc.
The recycling centers pay 24 pesos/ 100 Kg. ( U$S 6,8 / 100 Kg.)
They use this cents to buy milk and bread.

When the white train takes the "cartoneros" back to their miserable dwellings in the suburbs after a long and tiring day of collecting trash, they repair their cartload, eat and sleep waiting to another day of collect.

Retratos - Portraits -- Publicidades - Advertising

Producción con participantes del Red Bull Breaking.

Production with participants of Red Bull Breaking

María Roji

Federico Olivera

Rafael Amargo.

Omar Chaban en "República Cromagnon"

Algunos ejemplos de imágenes hechas para distintos tipos de avisos comerciales.


Some examples of images made for different types of advertisements.

Retratos - Portraits -- Publicidades - Advertising

Red Bull Samplers

Milton Martinez, Skater

Producción Red Bull Breaking

Producción Red Bull Breaking

Hernán Pitocco, Acrobatic Paragliding

Retratos - Portraits -- Publicidades - Advertising

Campaña publicitaria para europa suunto 2008
Suunto advertising campaign for Europe 2008

Nicolás López, Basejumper

Karina Hollekim of Norway, Basejumper

Karina Hollekim of Norway and Hernan Pitocco from Argentina live together in La Cumbre, Argentina.

Karina Hollekim of Norway and Hernan Pitocco from Argentina live together in La Cumbre, Argentina.